Thursday, March 12, 2009

Can i call it potty trained???

Can i call madison potty trained?  She is now 2 yrs and 4 months and is FINALLY staying dry throughout the day.  She doesn't tell me when she has to go, but seems to hold it until i put her back on the potty.  Only time she doesn't make it is when we are away from home for a couple of hours.  So???? Can i call it potty trained?  Or do i have to wait a little longer yet?
Madison and Lukas play very well together.  Madison waits for Lukas to look at her and then she entertains.  And he always watches to see what she's up to next.
Lukie is growing sooo fast.  Still smaller than the rest of the kids his age, but he is good on his tummy as you can see, only gets up once between 4-6 in the morning and is such a happy baby when he's not tired or hungry.  Getting to be so much fun to be around.   
We all just celebrated Michelles Birthday in February and for a week if not more, Madison thought every day was her birthday.  So we heard the song 'Happy Birthday'  many times.  She's got some other things that she constantly says as well.  One is 'Dokey, Dokey.' and we can't get through to her that its 'Okey Dokey'.  She's finally singing 'Jesus loves me', 'Running over', and  'My God is so big' on her own, as well as some of the alphabet and numbers 1-10 (only forgetting the 5)  She also walks into a room, closes the door and hides, but then can't get out again. 

Otherwise, Jake and I are going to Edmonton with another couple coming up in April.  You may be asking why we are going there?  Just a weekend away from the kids and Where else for such a low price can you get all the entertainment you want in one building?  Oh, and there is an Oilers home game against the Canucks that weekend. We'll let you guys know how it went when we get back.  Should be good though.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Madison and Lukas Dedication Letter

Mom and I are here today to make a promise to the both of you and to Jesus Christ to raise you knowing the love and grace of our Lord. Not only do we promise to teach you, but also show you through our lives how to have this relationship.

Madison, our months before your birth were a blessing and test to our faith. But you were a perfect healthy baby, unlike what we were told to prepare ourselves for. And you have been such a joy and blessing to have with us in everything we do. We chose Psalm 25: 4-5 for you as a verse to always come back to as you grow up. It says :  

'Show me your ways, O Lord, Teach me your paths;
Guide me in your truth and teach me,
for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long '

Lukas, you are still quite young and have been quite a challenge with your strong will, but every time we look at you and see your smile and hear your noises we are reminded of Jesus continuous blessings for you. I chose psalm 73: 24-26 for you :

You guide me with your counsel, and afterward You will take me into glory.
Whom have in heaven but You? And earth has nothing I desire besides you.
My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.

God has given us both of you as a gift to raise and care for and we will do everything to point you to Jesus with his guidance and the help of our family and friends. We pray for both of you that you will one day accept Jesus Christ as your own personal Savior and that you may be a light to the people around you. That even as you encounter hard times, that you wont hide this light, but use it as your strength and your guide.