Saturday, February 7, 2009

Progress. it is a good word and i can finally say that my basement is worthy of that. everything is drywalled and taped and this morning in my underwear i went and sanded down the walls, my white face and dustfilled glasses only added to the look. Life at home continues to be awesome, with a daughter who everytime i walk in the door after work asks me "Are you dirty ?". Lukas continues to be more alert and more active, giving us tons of smiles and really getting into colors and shoving his hands down his mouth, we think he might be teething or will be quickly he also is starting to turn onto his side. Angelika got a new haircut and went shorter and she looks smokin hot with her new dew. Work has bin steady but we have done no new jobs since mid december, so it looks like we might run out of work soon, what this means im not sure, maybe time off or maybe time to find another job, on a sidenote dont you think its time for a new bathroom ? 


Jo said...

Love the hair!!!
We played president (card game) and I missed you.

Anonymous said...

gel, your hair looks AWESOME!!

ribeirofamilia said...

We love the new look as well! ( not that you didn't look great before!)