Monday, January 26, 2009

The forecast calls for snow tomorrow, either it will dump like crazy or it wil be nothing at all. Im always in favor of the word dump when its followed by snow. its bin way too long to try and update what has happened since last time, so here is a summary : snowed,wroked,snowed,stopped working,snowed,christmas,snowed,snowed, canucks start losing. now its the end of january and that is where we stand. Life at home is getting alot better with Lukas starting to fall asleep at a regualr time and sleeping till 4 or 5 in the morning and then back down till 8, he varies occasionally but we are quite glad he is getting on schedule. Madison is becoming much more challenging, and just needs alot of attention to keep her out of trouble. she is as cute as ever though and keeps us smiling. enjoy the photos.


Tammy said...

Oh my goodness that potty picture is way too cute! You Go Madison! (And I mean that literally....)

The Neufelds said...

Wow, Lukas is getting big. Know how you feel about Maddison... David is a challenge right now as well. Melissa

Karen said...

great pictures, it's about time for the update! hehe

Rachel said...

great update and great pictures :)

Lauren Laidler said...

oh man! your kids are absolutely beautiful! really lovely to see you all again on your blog and hear about what's new with you! take care and God bless! love, lauren xoxox